a personal 10-year plan: the moving parts

once you’ve decided to do it, to make a place for your vision, the big-picture view of where you’re going and how you plan to get there, you’ll have to zoom in a bit. zoom in to get a detailed view of the different landscapes that make up your life.

in our plan hal and i include sections for relationship; financial; career; artistic; attitude, faith, spirit; physical health; space and infrastructure.

each section contains two parts, one for me and one for hal. each section has a statement, some call it an intention, or a guiding principle. whatever you want to call it. wing it. just write something down for each section, you can always change it… it might be super simple, like ours for financial is “we won’t run out of money.” that’s crazy simple, but kind of huge, too. i remember writing that one down, and it kind of floored me. imagine what you would do if you knew you wouldn’t run out of money! a girl can dream.

anyway, on each section, there’s your big idea for that part of your life, and then there’s a list of things that matter. keep it simple. write down what you can imagine. as an example, i wanted to create a method for keeping track of all the financial details of life. i actually really hate thinking about money, that’s why i’m focusing on it here. tackle the icky stuff, imagine the details of it being easy. (because, you know, it’s easier to do easy things.)

things that matter dearly to me, don’t to hal. he has other things. for instance, for hal infrastructure is really important. i am the lucky beneficiary of his obsession. and then, things that matter dearly to both of us might sit undone for years, while other things that feel less important are getting done. it doesn’t always make sense. but within the context of the plan, things getting done or not getting done isn’t proof of how on top of it you are, or an indictment of what a loser you are. instead, over time, it simply creates a topographic map of what your priorities are.

the plan is a (somewhat) organized box of the stuff of your dreams. a way that you can live life without having to hold it all in your head. An easy way to come back to what matters and adjust course to make it so.